An interrupted
journey. They had a plan, were going somewhere. Maybe headed home, back
to life before Jesus. They were “discussing” events. “Discussing”
resonates with trying to explain, to analyze, to make it all make sense somehow. What
were they saying to one another? "But we had hoped that He was the one who
was going to redeem Israel." He was a prophet, of that they were certain.
And now reports His body was gone. Visions of angels who said He is alive—whatever that might
mean. Rumors, impossible stories, all coming on the heels of trauma.
As they walked their darkening path, this stranger came alongside them to join their journey and their conversation. And despite the danger in being identified with Jesus, they found themselves pouring it out: the events, the grief, the terror, the confusion. They just told it, one tripping over the words of the other as it spilled. They watched it flow, experiencing it all over again as
they let go every pretense of understanding or explanation.
foolish you are!" said the stranger. What was Your voice like, Lord Jesus? I hear gentle scoffing, but offered with a smile and warm acceptance in Your eyes. Because You then opened Your eternal Word and made everything plain. You opened their eyes, it says, and their hearts burned.
recognized Him, and he disappeared from their sight." Their own journey plans like a passing vapor, they grabbed cloaks of homespun brown and ran out into the night to chase the glorious mystery of You.
Layer on layer--
An empty tomb
An angelic vision
given first to women and then to Peter and John
Mary meets the Gardener Who is not a gardener
Peter meets power, love, and forgiveness in a private place
These two burn with the words of a Stranger on the open road
An empty tomb
An angelic vision
given first to women and then to Peter and John
Mary meets the Gardener Who is not a gardener
Peter meets power, love, and forgiveness in a private place
These two burn with the words of a Stranger on the open road
Layer on layer
Peeling away
Until world-changing glory gleams
Shekinah bright to any given the gift of sight
Peeling away
Until world-changing glory gleams
Shekinah bright to any given the gift of sight
Hearts burn
Hearts open
Hearts receive
Layer on layer
Hearts open
Hearts receive
Layer on layer
dare is to hope, but for what? Reports, dribbles of truth spill. To evaporate
in the day's light and heat? Or to accumulate until frail human vessels
overflow with indestructible life?
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